Intelligent Maintenance Management for Offshore Installations

- Information management system via AR technology
- Provision of data
- Visual process support
- Digital test solutions
IGP will be presenting a fully digitalised maintenance manage-ment system at SMM. Whereas in the past there were media discontinuities due to the need to carry numerous analogue documents for the inspection and maintenance of offshore plants, the process-accompanying documentation now takes place exclusively via app. Relevant information is provided on a process-specific basis using augmented reality. The result is a reduction in errors during execution and the streamlining of peripheral processes.
As in many other sectors, the focus in the craft-based mechanical and plant engineering industry is currently on digitization. However, by international standards, this is still in the early stages. Large market players are relying on their own service platforms, which are primarily designed for the owners of the equipment and focus on the performance level, availability and economic operation of the equipment. The information relevant to maintenance personnel (such as maintenance history) is only rudimentarily served by the systems. In the context of a process innovation, the design and implementation of an optimized service platform for planning, data management and information support for maintenance processes of cranes took place in cooperation with a regional machine and plant manufacturer.
The focus was on the possibilities of creating or sending digital inspection reports, managing maintenance orders or providing digital information when carrying out maintenance measures, which were not currently available due to the lack of digitization. Media disruptions resulting from different documents and programs to be managed in the overall maintenance process increase the potential for errors and the planning effort. By bundling the information flows, mapping all relevant process steps and digital data storage, continuous digitization was achieved in the process. Interfaces for data exchange, such as with accounting systems, increase data consistency even outside the developed solution.
A crane and its maintenance history are mapped in a general "crane file". For this purpose, a wide variety of cranes were analyzed in advance and the necessary information to be recorded was derived. The file can be adapted and optimized for the different crane types. This data can be viewed via a graphical interface and supplemented with various documents or information. Thus, all relevant information is aggregated in one place.