The Hydrogen Research Factory MV is a collaboration between the Fraunhofer Institute for Large Structures in Production Engineering (IGP), the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT) in Rostock, and the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) in Greifswald. This pooling of expertise enables the development of comprehensive, application-oriented solutions for the transition to a climate-neutral hydrogen economy. The Hydrogen Research Factory MV comprises three cooperative divisions, each led by one of the participating institutes.
PtX Transfer Technology Center of the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Rostock LIKAT
The first infrastructure component of the Hydrogen Research Factory was the PtX Transfer Technology Center of LIKAT being established next to the Campus Südtstadt of the Rostocks’s University. PtX stands for the production of various storages using sustainably generated electricity. The associated Catalysis2Scale building has already been completed and will now be expanded as part of the PtX Transfer Technology Center. This will include technical equipment for PtX processes such as electrolysis and synthesis systems, as well as preparation facilities for catalysts and nanomaterials.
PtX Plasma Research Center t of the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research and Technology INP
The INP in Greifswald is extending its hydrogen production research to include plasmalysis and is developing innovative technologies for practical applications. In addition to hydrogen, other materials are to be integrated into the resource and energy cycles. As a first step, the INP will construct a laboratory model for hydrogen and carbon production using plasma technologies.
Hydrogen Application Center of the Fraunhofer Institute for Large Structures in Production Engineering
The core element of the Hydrogen Application Center is a large-scale testing facility for energy converter to develop and test suitable technologies for the sustainable industrial use of alternative fuels, particularly in maritime applications. The center focuses equally on the utilisation of hydrogen as a primary fuel or additive and the utilisation of hydrogen derivatives such as methanol and other e-fuels. In addition to testing hydrogen-based fuels and designing alternative propulsion systems, other key areas include evaluating and classifying PtX fuels and providing open-access testing capacity for external users. The INP in Greifswald will also participate in the Hydrogen Application Center with a functional model for plasmalysis.
Over the next few years, significant investments are planned for the infrastructure of the Hydrogen Research Factory MV.
The Hydrogen Research Factory MV is funded by the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Tourism, and Labor.