Thermal Coating Systems

Video by Marc Willenberg

Work area

The global demand for even more productive and efficient highly complex technical systems is leading to a steady increase in the requirements to be met by materials and components. The manufacturing technology of thermal spraying offers unrivaled flexibility and scalability in the field of coating processes and is therefore of essential importance in meeting these needs. In addition to classic applications for aviation or wear protection, this process group is also becoming a focal point in other areas of industry such as shipbuilding and steel construction, onshore and offshore wind energy, vehicle construction, agriculture and sustainable concepts.

© Holger Martens

In order to meet the high demands of our customers in these areas, the Thermal Coating Systems unit not only operates high-quality laboratory equipment but also a fully PLC-integrated coating center (twin wire arc wire spraying, atmospheric plasma spraying, powder flame spraying processes) for the production of thermally sprayed coatings in accordance with the latest quality standards and the associated integrated process monitoring. The expertise built up over many years from process modifications, coating analytics and their interactions contribute to the tailored production and development of complex coating systems. The focus lies on the coherent consideration of materialographic, mechanical-technological, process engineering and quality assurance aspects of thermal spraying as a system, which serves as a guideline for daily work.

Project overview

Smart Coatings

Dual approach of laser pre-treatment and thermal spraying for the production of intelligent coatings on fiber-reinforced plastics

As sustainability becomes increasingly significant in the shipbuilding, automotive, mechanical engineering, and rail vehicle construction sectors, there is a significant demand for intelligent product innovations aimed at resource conservation. Due to their inadequate fire protection and abrasion resistance, FRP materials can only partially fulfil these requirements. This research project is aimed at investigating the potential for thermal coating of FRP structures to broaden the materials' application in shipbuilding and pipeline construction sectors.

In collaboration with the Fraunhofer IWS, a dual solution approach will be developed involving appropriate pre-treating of the FRP material using laser structuring to ensure full-surface layer adhesion of the thermally sprayed coatings. Preliminary test results indicate a promising layer adhesion on glass reinforced plastic (GRP) structures.

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Cast components subject to fatigue

Qualification of cast iron materials and thermal sprayed corrosion protection systems for underwater use under fatigue stress

Marine power plants represent a promising but currently underutilized option for supplementing established renewable energy generation options. However, due to the direct contact of the fatigue-stressed components with seawater and conservative fatigue design regulations current concepts are associated with relatively high manufacturing costs. Initial investigations indicate that the fatigue strength reduction prescribed by regulations is too conservative and that arc-sprayed coatings can also be applied to cast iron without having a significant negative impact on fatigue strength. Based on this, various typical thermally sprayed corrosion protection coatings are examined in the project with regard to their coating properties. Also, the effect of the coatings on the fatigue strength of correspondingly coated cast iron materials is investigated experimentally.

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Catalytic Decomposition of Methane

Novel coating technology for catalytic decomposition of methane emissions for mitigating global warming and climate changes

The growth of biogas industry and alternative fuel have potentially reduced the usage of fossil fuels and consequently resulted in a lowered emission of toxic elements. However, methane emissions from the biogas producing sector still requires monitoring and quantification, requiring complex and specialised technologies.

Innovative coatings produced by thermal spraying technique are aimed to function as catalysts for efficient decomposition of methane. The heterogenous coatings are designed to enable methane decomposition at a lowered temperature requirement as well as in absence of inert atmospheric conditions. The end-product is targeted to replace the expensive catalysts with a possibility to be applied in both small as well large-scale industries. Moreover, the efficiency of the coatings in methane environment will be continuously monitored using specialised emission detecting device.

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Reduction of methane emissions

Development of circular carbon removal projects using optimized Kontiki-Kilns by innovative coating technology (Kiln Coatings)

The upcoming biochar sector enables agricultural operations to absorb large amounts of CO₂ and has enormous potential to supply Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) certificates. Waste residues are one of the most widely available input materials for producing biochar.

By using thermal spray, methane emissions during the pyrolysis process of biochar can be reduced. For this purpose, coatings with catalytic properties are being developed to convert the methane into less harmful by-products. These coatings are designed to be applied cost-effectively to key components of the pyrolysis process, such as reactors, kilns and chambers.

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New tank concepts for liquid hydrogen

Increasing the storage and transport efficiency for liquid hydrogen in steel fibre composite tanks through thermally sprayed TBC layers

There is currently little experience with the transport of large quantities of liquid hydrogen (LH2) due to the developing market. Tank designs relate to standard onshore storage and transport applications with vacuum-insulated, double-walled austenitic stainless steel structures, which have comparatively high thermal diffusivity and conductivity and increased weight. This currently reduces efficiency due to increased boil-off and unfavourable gravimetric storage density.

New tank concepts are therefore necessary for the maritime production and transport of LH2. Innovative technical approaches from space travel (fibre windings) and for high-temperature applications (thermal barrier coatings "TBC") are being taken up and combined.

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Process technology

GTV high-performance coating center:

  • PLC-integrated and controllable
  • Recording, monitoring and documentation of process parameters
  • Manipulation via six-axis robot (torch) and rotary-tilt-positioner (component)
    • Various component holders up to 300 kg
  • Processes and torch technologies:
    • Twin Wire Arc Spray (AS): Shark 400, Shark 400 HV
    • Atmospheric plasma spraying (APS): Delta
    • Powder Flame Spray (PFS): 6PII
  • Possible variation of process gas for twin wire arc spray
  • NIR-Sensor for particle diagnostics
  • System for in-line coating thickness measurement

Oerlikon Metco Smart Arc twin arc wire spray system:

  • Complete mobile system with PPG torch technology

Pressure blasting system MHG SMG 100:

  • Modern pressure blasting system for component pre- and post-treatment

Laboratory equipment

Coating morphology and surface analytics:

  • Optical light microscope Zeiss DM6000
  • Scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM-IT100 including secondary electrons and backscatter detector as well as low vacuum mode for less conductive materials
  • 3D-Profilometer Keyence VR6000 e.g. for roughness measurements

Chemical analyses:

  • Energy dispersive X-ray analysis Detector type JEOL SD25
  • Optical spark emission spectrometry Spectromaxx 
  • Carrier gas hot extraction system Bruker Galileo G8 for measurements of O, N, H
  • Emissions-Analyses Device MGAprime H2

Mechanical-technological properties:

  • Hardness tester Innovatest Falcon 500
  • Universal mechanical tester / nanoindenter Zwick-Roell ZHN for nanohardness / Young's modulus determination
  • Various types of testing machines for static and dynamic tests, e.g. adhesive tensile strength, tubular coating tensile strength, bending test, fatigue strength
  • Cold gas system Isotherm TG-L63/100 for cryogenic test regimes
  • Test rig for abrasive wear according to ASTM G65

Functional Coating Properties:

  • Resistivity meters Mitsubishi Chemical Analytech Hiresta-UX (range 103 bis 1015 Ω) and Loresta-GX (range 10-4 bis 107 Ω)
  • Residual stress measuring system Stresstech Prism using the drill hole method and ESPI
  • passive and active thermography technology Infratec VarioCAM hr 675s
  • Measuring system Kern EMB-2000-2V Laboratory balance incl. density set for determining the true density